Guidelines for Optional Trig Blog Post #2

Just like for the last post, you have to be up to date on all your regular blog posts in order to qualify to do this instead of the in-class test. This means all of the following must be done, and done well:

  • solving trig equations 1
  • solving trig equations 2
  • the six ratios
  • freaky functions
  • reciprocal, quotient, and pythagorean identities

The blogpost:

Part 1:

Solve any two of the problems posted at SAKAI. Show all your work, including your rule, the graph that represents the situation, and all the steps in your reasoning. Don’t forget to validate everything.

What I’ll be looking for:

  • all work shown
  • work well organized and easy to follow your reasoning
  • proper vocabulary and notation
  • a graph to accompany your work
  • validation of your graph and your solution

Part 2:

Do Math 3000 p. 245 nbrs 9, 10, 11. Please show every single step of your simplification process, and explain what you are doing in that step. For example, if you are replacing something using an identity, indicate what you are replacing with what, and which identity you’re using. If you are doing an algebraic simplification, explain exactly what you’re doing. Do not use the abbreviations I used in the voicethread for your blog post!

  • All steps shown and explained as above
  • proper vocabulary and notation

Bonus points available in both sections for anything extra, like exceptionally cool graphics, or use of a web tool to embed something into your post (eg codecogs, scribd, vimeo), or just plain personality and pizazz!

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