Reflections on exponents

This past week I asked all of you for various reflections, and offered the option of putting them on your blogs or into the checklist. As of this moment (Sunday morning), I have only seen reflections via the checklists, none via blogs. 🙁 So I’ll assume that most of you would prefer to do this anonymously, which is okay, I get that. But geez, I still want to share them with you all, they’re so good, so here they are, anonymously. I have just copy/pasted the words, no editing. Note that my words are in black font, and any different colour of font means a different person’s words:

TS5 students had to summarize about how to find the missing terms in a sequence, which was the slides that looked like this: 


1.Find your constant: divide the right term by left term (if there is no blank between them => this is your constant! if there is one blank => sqrt the answer and this is your constant, if there are 2 blanks => cuberoot the answer and this is your constant,etc)
2.Solve: multiply by the constant to find missing numbers.

It is basically just solving a pattern, like we did back in grade 7 and 8 with some extra stuff. If the sequence was in an increasing order you divide the large number into the previous smaller number. If they are in a decreasing order, you would divide the smaller number by the larger number to obtain the constant multiplier. If they were more than one number missing beside each other, you would still do the first step the same, but then you would have to find the x root of the number obtained, where x is the number of missing values in the sequence.

by doing trial and error and finding the pattern that was being used

if was easy

SN5 students were asked to write about equivalent exponential things, which was the slides that looked like this:


After looking at the answer, I felt like I was thinking too much about it, I was searching for super hard stuff that I wouldn’t understand when really, there wasn’t stuff I did not know or understand. So this activity helped me with english rules, and it refreshed my memory. (Funny how fast we can forget something over the break, luckily, it comes back as quickly when we get our head into it)

I learn that exponential functions can have A LOT of different shapes

well i learned that looks can be deceiving with dealing with exponents.

What I learned from this activity is that sometimes the equation of a function does not look similar at all to another one and it actually is if you simplify and turn it around. But I am having a lot of trouble with this part of the exponential function lesson :S

I learned that there are several ways of writing the same equation!

I learned that there are several ways of finding equivalent equations that I did not know about before and now I am using these techniques to do the work given to me 🙂

I learned a lot from this activity looking at the different equations that are the same on the graph! I think I need to make sure I know how to do everything without geogebra & then ill be good to go 🙂

Me again. Thank you to these writers, and I am hoping that more will come in later today, since everyone was supposed to have done this already. At any rate, when you look at this coming week’s checklist, you will notice that the first item is to reply to the above reflections, right here. I want your reactions – do you agree with what they’re saying? Do you have a question? Were these interesting or helpful to read?

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