Logs and blogs, blogs and logs!

Some of you weren’t there when we did this in class, and apparently the archive doesn’t show all the slide images, so here are the slides I showed of peoples’ log explanations from  last week:
Slide11Slide2Slide3You might have to click on the image in order to be able to actually read it. If your’s is missing, it must have appeared too late for press time!

I have been getting a lot of positive feedback from some of you about having you write your thoughts on the checklist instead of the blog. Some say they prefer it because of the relative anonymity it gives you, and this frees you to speak your mind. But some people prefer it because it’s just one less place to go, one less click, etc to complete.  In either case, I encourage you to use those blogs as much as possible, not only because it means there will be one less thing for ME to do (ie copy/past/post it here) but because you need to let go of the idea that you are the only one who is:

  1. having issues
  2. not having issues
  3. shy
  4. not feeling the love for logs
  5. totally feeling the love for logs
  6. having a strange desire to write a poem about logs and blogs because you noticed a while ago that they rhyme
  7. whatever!

I also want to point out that SOME people have been using their blogs for a variety of things, posting gorgeous assignments, reflecting about math, reflecting about other stuff, and you should check them out, and leave them a comment. A good comment, for example, “I like this part of your post because…..” or “I don’t agree with this part of your post because….” or “How did you get this in your post, it looks really cool….”

I’m sure these lovely people are tired of only getting comments from me! Not the point of the blog! SO check out the following peoples’ blogs: Cassandra, Duncan, Jack, Mason, Javiera, and Tyson.

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