VFW Revisited: What I’ll Be Looking For

In epearl: (10 marks)

  • Task description (of blog post only)
  • List of criteria (for blog post only)
  • At least two drafts for your blog post. (I’m not talking about drafts of the complete blog post. I mean two things that contain info/text that eventually morphed into your final blog post. An outline, or a first attempt at explaining your calculations…..)
  • At least two versions of your geogebra/desmos.
  • A reflection for each draft, and a reflection for each version of your graph. Make sure it’s clear to me which reflection goes with which, eg label with “reflection for draft 1”, or “reflection for version 2” for example.
  • All of these entries should not have the same date stamp on them. Know what I mean?

In your blog post: (10 marks)

  • A working geogebra/desmos, for the height and the distance. The graph should be either linked from your post or embedded directly into it. (Sakai-message me the embed code like usual, but tell me where you want it embedded in your post. I don’t want to mess up your visual impact!)
  • Connections: For any one of your rules (as long as it has an h ≠ 0 in it): The connections between each of the four parameters and some concrete physical part of the VFW or how it behaves. Explain your reasoning.
  • Validation: Show me your validations for:
    • each rule – how have you checked to make sure that it actually represents the height of the VFW car on the VFW?
    • your graphs – how have you checked to make sure that they actually match the graphs that you did way back on Feb 25?
    • your equivalent rules – how have you checked to make sure that they are actually equivalent?
  • Proper notation and use of symbols in wordpress editor (click on “show kitchen sink”)
  • The last thing: One reflection from your epearl, or a new one, that sums up what you learned in doing this assignment. 2-3 sentences. Anything you want to say, just make it honest!

In your graphs: (5 marks)

  • Big easy-to-spot labels for each graph: What the graph represents & the units of measure for the axes
  • Two equivalent rules for each function
  • They should be correct too!

Bonus points:

  • Enhancements in your geogebra/desmos, eg animation, colour coding, check boxes, sliders, anything over and above the list, as long as it enhances the math information somehow
  • Any other type of media embedded in your post to enhance your explanation, ie pictures, video, codecogs etc
  • A rule about the height of a car on an actual ferris wheel that really exists. There are some pretty big ones!
  • Tweet a link to someone else’s blog post to some other Learn person
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