A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. – Henry Adams
As a former teacher in what now seems to be another life, I did not realize the impact I made on the lives of students. Today, years and years after I stopped teaching I occasionally come across a former student who asks me if I remember them. I always say Yes even though in most cases I simply do not. Over the years I taught many students but now their names and faces have mostly faded into some fog I refer to as once upon a time. I tell them I remember not to hurt their feelings as everyone wants to be remembered in one way or another. They remind of what they did in my classes, how they enjoyed this and that, and how to this very day, what happened in that classroom made a difference in their lives. What a humbling thought! But so it is with teachers who give of themselves so selflessly, so generously, and who are devoted to their students. For these reasons, teaching is without question, the most noble of professions. It does not get the recognition or appreciation it deserves, and while some make more money, and others are mechanics who tend the human body, or interpret laws, or build bridges, teachers shape the future.
At LEARN, our Virtual School Teachers and Tutors mold and shape and sculpt the future using all of their amazing talents while demonstrating those true human qualities our society needs to have imparted on its youth. How fortunate we are, and what a true blessing it is that they are there for our students. I appreciate our educators. One day a former student will tell them, “You made a difference. Without you, I am not sure what I would have done.” I know this as a certainty because I know our teachers.
Michael Canuel, Ed.D.