Being an Educator
This is my 36th year in education and my 20th year with online learning. It has been an exciting life-long experience, first of all because of the many learners that our services have assisted, but also because of the great educators I have had the opportunity to meet and work with. As an administrator I have watched numerous teachers in action, witnessed many successes, and seen first-hand how their efforts have changed the lives of so many children.
During this time of the year we have the opportunity to pay tribute to many great educators. I would like to first start with the people I work with. In the LEARN Virtual Campus, I work with an incredible group of educationalists who contribute to the success of our online deliverables – teachers, tutors, office managers, administrators, consultants, course designers, developers and technicians. Through the use of some of the most innovative tools and educational best practices, they have developed an online methodology that makes learning come alive. I refer to all of the members of our team as educators. In a community it takes everyone to raise a child. In our Virtual Campus it takes the effort of all team members, to make the learning experience a positive one for our learners. Positive feedback from many a happy learner and satisfied parent, justifies my recognition of how such effort and commitment has made such a difference for the families we serve.
In recognition of all educators, teachers and tutors, of all of the professions, your commitment shapes our society the most. Not an easy task. Day in and day out, you take on the charge of innovating, motivating and enlightening, with often not even so much as a thank you. Yet you continue to smile, encourage and persevere. Each day you reach out to your students, and not only do you teach, but you console, listen, laugh, support and share. Your efforts and how you react with your learners may often be the only positive interaction present in their daily lives. So, if you sometimes think you are not making a difference, please think again. What you say and do inspires and supports those learners during some of the most crucial periods of their lives, and those learners will always remember your kindness and caring. This, along with so many other reasons, is why every year we take time to congratulate and thank you. You educate and raise our children, so that they grow up happy and able to live productive lives. What an incredible group you are!
Margaret Dupuis