Congratulations to Kassandra and Marilyne who earned a spot at Provincials for Juvenile level volleyball. They are Secondary 5 students in our online math and science classes, but back at their school they also coach the cadet volleyball team together. (The cadet team came first in their division!)
Way to go, girls!
Some SN4 Math students, in Mrs. Drolet’s class, used cartoons to reflect on their experiences with the latest test.
It looks like they went into the March Break feeling confident about Math!
With our beloved Chemistry teacher out sick, I tried to step in to cover classes. As an Arts major, I always promise teachers that when I “supply teach” in their classes, I won’t actually try to teach math or science. Believe me, it’s for the best!
When a teacher is ill, it is a perfect opportunity to teach empathy. The students were given a few minutes at the beginning of class to think about how their online teacher must be feeling and to create a Get Well Soon card.
One student hesitated to add a chemistry pun, but the class discussed it and decided that “Laughter is the best medicine!”
Get well soon, Mrs. Cule!
LEARN’s gift for the online teachers for Teacher Appreciation (Note the name of the chocolate bars. Appropriate, right?)
This past month I spoke at the FETC conference and presented the strategies that you, our LEARN teachers have implemented. I looked out at the crowd and saw how the attendees were inspired and amazed at what you have accomplished. There were many questions about how you were flipping classes and engaging the students. I saw educators in the crowd who wanted to make a difference in the lives of their students, just as you are making a difference in the lives of our students. This made me reminisce about my experiences as a student.
Each year that I attended school, I always wondered who my teachers would be and would I like them. Each year I was pleasantly surprised. These teachers were helpful, supportive, kind, reassuring and many were fun. Even though the strategies they used varied, they were able to inspire and help me through many situations both academically and emotionally. They, along with my parents, provided the foundation that I needed to succeed and become the person I am today. My success became their success. Now and then I have the opportunity to meet these incredible people and chat about school and the experiences we had. It is always heartwarming.
Teachers are the heart and soul of our educational system. You work every day with young people, helping them to become all that they are capable of becoming. When I hear about all the great things our LEARN teachers are accomplishing, it is always warms my heart. Your successes are LEARN’s successes and your accomplishments are what make LEARN such an important part of the Quebec educational system. Your dedication to your students, your efforts to continually become better at what you do, your willingness to go the extra mile and continually search for better ways to inspire and engage your students, is exhilarating. The opportunity to work with this team is inspirational in itself.
I would like to take this time to thank all of you for your commitment to your students. One day they too will look back and remember how you were so helpful, kind and enjoyable to work with. They will recall how you stuck with them through thick and thin, so they too experienced success.
I wish you all a great year and many great achievements as the year progresses. Keep up the faith, continue to inspire and change children’s lives, and always remember that everything you say and do helps to provide those young people with the ability to believe in themselves and what they want to accomplish.
Margaret Dupuis
Director – LEARN
To the LEARN Virtual School Staff: Teachers and Administrators
Re: Appreciation Week
As most of you know, I am rarely at a loss for words regardless of the situation, and fortunately for me, you are all polite enough not to make too many comments about my verbosity. However, when it comes to Appreciation Week, I cannot restrain myself even a little bit. I have so much to say about our team and what exceptional pedagogues you all are, and I want everyone to know! Day in, and day out, you are exemplars in the world of education, and not just in the virtual setting. In fact, I don’t talk much anymore about online or brick and mortar. I refer to sound pedagogy, to devotion and commitment to student-centred learning, to the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge that will serve the interests of students. The LEARN team is exceptional in this regard and that is a shame. This team should be the norm and not simply a beacon for excellence in education, but in the real world we have to concede that not all bring the same brilliance and passion to the classroom on such a regular basis.
Most importantly, the LEARN team is composed of educators who really care and believe that they can make a difference in the lives of their students. And you have made a difference and continue to do so. It is with profound and sincere appreciation, that I send out to you my warmest regards and thanks. I am, and LEARN is, indebted to you all for your continuous contribution.
“[Kids] don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”
― Jim Henson, It’s Not Easy Being Green: And Other Things to Consider